Sunday, March 30, 2014

My Bags Are Packed, I'm Ready to Go

You may recognize this post as the tittle of the the famous John Denver song “Leaving on a Jet Plane”.  This certainly is the first line of that famous song, yet it’s also the famous quote of Blessed (very soon to be Saint) John XXIII as he approached the end of his earthly life.  I love me some John XXIII.  I actually love a lot of Popes, which is a good thing, since after all, I am a Catholic priest.  This is a great line because it’s a reminder that we are all pilgrims in this world our true destiny is to be with God forever in heaven. 

We should constantly be asking ourselves, “Am I ready to go?”, for the trip to heaven, there is really only one thing we need.  The transforming, sanctifying grace of Jesus Christ available ordinarily  at your local Catholic Church, free of charge.  So, if you haven’t already in this Lenten season, stop by the small room in the back of the Church with the little red light over the door.  Even if it has been a while.  You've heard it said that You Only Live Once, well that isn't true.  You were made for more than this life, you were made for the Glory of God, which St. Ireneus tells is the Human person fully alive. After all, Jesus came that we might have life in its fullness, so go get you some.

So, that’s one reason why that line has been going through my head, the other, more immediate reason is that as I write this, my suitcase is packed and I am departing to spend two weeks on pilgrimage in Rome.  I've been considering re-entering the world of blogging for a while, so it seems a good time to go it.  It is my hope that this will force me to do some journaling and reflection on this trip as I visit the principal See of God’s Holy Church.  I hope to be able to share some pictures and stories with you as I travel.  Also, if you have not already, feel free to comment with some prayer intentions for me to remember while in the Holy City.  God bless you all, please pray for my safe travels.